Saturday, April 16, 2011

Saturday morning cartoons

I have been harassed by Nickie. I didn't post a blog yesterday, so today at work she threw a marker at me. (I work at Serrano's byyy the way) : D (we'll get to that later)

Nickie told me that I had to post right when I get off's a little after right after work. Nickie please don't throw a marker at me again.

SO WORK. How do I explain work to you? 

Today I was getting asked questions about astrology. I don't know anything about astrology... so of course everyone was teasing me. Haha it was aaaawful. 

But everyone is really chill. I'll make a separate blog for work later.

It was the National Day of Silence yesterday at school.

"On the National Day of Silence hundreds of thousands of students nationwide take a vow of silence to bring attention to anti-LGBT name-calling, bullying and harassment in their schools." 

Whatever your beliefs are on LGBT, there is no reason to bully anyone because of who they are. I couldn't believe how many times I heard students at my school call people "fags" or call people "gay" who supported this movement for human rights. It's about treating your acquaintances as equals and treating them like you would your friends. I am proud though of how many people I saw supporting it. That definitely outnumbered the ignorant kids that day. 

"Im on the right track baaaby!"  

But let's get to some funny stories, cause I mean, that's what you wanna know!! 

1. I was nominated for class clown haha, isn't that neeeat? It made me so happy.  

2. Have you ever owned a pair of flats? You know the shoes? Okay, well I have these flats that I love! But if you know flats, they make your feet smell like WW1 gas bombs. Literally like they are the worst smell in the world. Probably. 

So Thursday... 

After school I went to Kevin's house for a little. He was playing Pokemon and I was just laying on his bed when all the sudden he was like...

"Ugh! It smells SO bad in here!" and then I was like...GASP! Jen! It's your feet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SICKNASTY. 

So then! I was like, "Oh my gosh! Ew! What in the world is that?!" And he said, "I don't know..." and was looking around his room, like a inspector crime man. And I was pulling my feet closer into my body. He grabbed his blanket and smelled it. "Oh, it's my blanket! My man smell." I do a nervous laugh, "Yeah, I am going to the bathroom." and I run out of his room and sit on the edge of the tub and scrub my feet as hard as I could. 

Knock knock "Uhhhh, are you taking a shower or something?" 

"Pssssssssssht! No. That's weird." 

"Okay? What are you doing then?" 



Luckily I got away with it. 

Last night, I was driving around and I went to Wal-Mart. Just walking around looking at things. Have you ever done that? Randomly just walking around, not knowing what the heck you're looking for? Okay maybe that's just me. I do that mostly everyday. Haha but anyway. Then Amber came over and it was fun! We giggled and talked like girls do!

Well, that's really it for now : ) I am planning on having a lazy Saturday until I have to work! I get to close tonight! Can't hardly wait!!! 

Gooooodbye everyone!      

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